
2019 AGM

2019 AGM - June Meeting - by Ann S

This meeting was the annual AGM for 2019. Jackie B issued the accounts and gave a run through. Fees will be the same for this year but all the time costs are rising, for the hire of the halls, speakers, etc. The accounts are in a good state at the moment and we are going to buy some new stands to save having to borrow from other people. Eileen, our Secretary said that we several people had left for various reasons in recent months and for the first time in a while we have no people waiting to join the group. It was suggested members invited friends to open meetings to see if they would like to join us. Claire gave her report and thanked everyone who helped out with the running of the SQ. Jackie was re-elected as the Treasurer. Betty was standing down from the post of Event's Organiser and Grace will become the new Event's Organiser. She told the group that next year SQ will be 20 years old!

Following the meeting Claire told members that we would be rolling out a project of pieced work which would be kept in the storage cupboard and brought out when meetings had capacity for hand sewing. She gave out templates and material so members could choose hexagons, shells shapes plus others. Everyone chose their favourite and got stuck in. Eventually we will be turning these pieces into quilts. We ended the meeting with a Show and Tell session, among the quilts on show were items for Linus Quilts, our chosen charity. Members were asked to take quilts to make up and also Bags of Courage for the Royal Marsden. These bags hold the special beads awards to children undergoing Cancer treatment.

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