
2021 August Meeting

August Meeting - by Ann S

The August Shirley Quilters’ meeting was our first meeting since lockdown months ago.  Thirty four members came all carrying bags of sewn items. The first item on the agenda was a presentation to Eileen, the club secretary, for her dedication to the club, sending out 77 emails, most with a block of the week attached so that members would not be without something to do while they were stuck at home. Every Monday without fail her email would arrive with other items of news to keep us entertained. It has helped enormously to keep spirits up and united us as a group.

We were sitting around the hall in a large circle to start a Show and Tell session. Everyone had things to show and there were lots of different items, quilts, cushions, bags all beautifully stitched, even some crochet items, which just goes to show we are a talented set of people. Considering the block patterns were the same, the quilts, when completed, were not. Different colours, extra inserts between the blocks and the sashings and colours all made a big difference to the completed quilts. The amount of work being shown was prolific.

It took well over an hour to do the session and just when I thought I could do with a drink it was time for coffee and cake, the cake provided by Eleanor whose birthday it was. All in all the meeting was one of friendship and laughter and we are all looking forward to our next meeting.

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