
2021 Mesh Block Evening

Mesh Block Evening - by Kate

Eileen led the October meeting in Clare's absence and reminded us of various upcoming shows and exhibitions:

- 29/30 October Pilgrim Quilters Banstead

- 22/24 October Duxford

- 20 November Beckenham Quilters

as well as an event at Snape Maltings, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, for anyone who's up to travelling!

Like a lot of organisations, Shirley Quilters has been reviewing procedures and looking at learning from arrangements in place during the pandemic. The committee have therefore decided that because of our diligence in bringing our own cups and mugs to meetings this will continue. Our stalwart volunteer coffee makers are delighted as not having to wash up cups means they can participate in more of the meeting.

Also, please can everyone, if you are able to, get out and put away your own chair - thank you!

The main part of the evening was given over to making Helen D's "Mesh Block" which was a brilliantly simple way to design a unique block using a combination of stack and slash, weaving and hand or machine embroidery. Helen's descriptions were clear and well-illustrated with samples and examples. Another fun and educational evening - thank you Helen. And an especial thank you for the tip about simple cushion backing using an "old" man's shirt .... could be a young man's one too, it's the shirt that's old .... from which you cut out a square to fit your cushion including the button placket for a ready-made closed backing - so clever!

Post Meeting Note:  Shirley Quilters raised £125 for "Wear It Pink"  at the October meeting for breast cancer.

For photographs of the blocks made from the meeting click here - Mesh Blocks

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