
2022 February Meeting

February Meeting - by Jane K

It was lovely to meet up in person again at the hall, very warm after the recent improvements to the heating. The meeting was well attended and we started off with announcements from Claire of various talks and exhibitions going on, the details are on the Quilters’ Guild Website. She also ran through the Challenges for this year, reminding us of log cabin squares, which need to be completed first, so they can be assembled at a later meeting in August.

Then it was down to work, we were making picture postcards. Grace had kindly assembled packs for us with pelmet vilene backing. We all sat around tables in groups, with a volunteer leader, who had examples to show us and lots of books for ideas, and very helpful advice and useful scraps to decorate with. There were so many different ideas. Most people used bondaweb to appliqué shapes and embellish with stitches and beads.

There was the usual refreshments and a chance to purchase lots of fabrics from Jan, whose local quilting group had unfortunately had to close. There were lots of fabrics for future projects and to embellish tonight’s postcards.

We finished off the evening with a show and tell, mainly of last years Cluedo challenges. Some of these had previously been shown via zoom, but it was so good to see them “live”, to do them justice.

A very enjoyable and friendly evening, with a chance to chat while sewing and catch up with friends.

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