
2022 Lullingstone

Lullingstone Quilt and Craft Fair 2022 15-17 July –  by Kate

I can’t begin to tell you how much I had been looking forward to this Fair, my first since Covid arrived! I had been a steward at The Quilters’ Guild (Region 2)’s first show at Lullingstone in 2019 and had thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful venue. 

 The venue in 2022 was just as beautiful and it seemed to me that there were far more quilts (Quilters did have something to occupy them in lockdown and have been incredibly prolific!) and a lot of new trade stalls. The food tent did a roaring trade as did the coffee/waffle and ice cream stall. A very personal view I know, but there are photos of my favourite quilts below. I wonder if you can guess which one I’m going to have a go at next?

The challenge for Region 2 members had been to make a small quilt from two different fabrics and there were some stunning examples.

The lake was as peaceful as ever and as well as all the wildlife there was a solitary fisherman in a flat-bottomed boat presumably catching his lunch! 

The raffle table was groaning under the weight of prizes and I know for a fact there were several more boxes of tombola prizes hidden away to replenish that stall as the weekend went on.

Getting to Lullingstone Castle is an adventure in itself, past the lavender farm, through the picturesque village of Eynsford, over the ford itself trying not to disturb all the people bathing in the river (it was a very hot day), under the old viaduct and then down the track past the Roman villa and eventually to the castle.  Definitely a great day out – if you didn‘t make it this year why not put next year’s dates in your diary now 14 – 16 July 2023!

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