
2024 August Meeting

Manipulated Patchwork – by Anne L

Tonight's theme was based on MANIPULATED PATCHWORK......but first general notices:

Quite a few members are still on their holidays, but the meeting was well attended with new members being added on a regular basis.

The Chair, Deirdre, welcomed everybody and informed us of the up-coming exhibitions and shows. including a Workshop run by Beckenham Quilters - fee £50. Also the Creative Craft Show has now moved to Farnborough, Surrey and will be held on the 30/08/24.

New members were officially welcomed and members' birthdays celebrated.

The Chair also told members that Exhibition Entry Forms needed to be sent to her as a matter of urgency. Quilts to be handed in at September meeting.  Sign-up Sheets are available for anyone who is willing to help at the Exhibition.......also please make sure that you are around at the end of the Exhibition to take home Quilts and exhibited items.

Exhibition Sales items must be in by 5.00pm on 27/09/24, the Friday before the exhibition, and must be labelled re. price etc. SQ will take a 10% commission.

The Judy Kirk Workshop is on Saturday 26th October 2024 - fee £35. Please contact a Committee member to add your name.

The Tombola Stall still needs items......particularly for children.

Then the demos began......4 tables showing Manipulated Patchwork.

1.  Deidre - Folding Flying Geese.......Folded 3D Pinwheel........Childs Hairgrip decoration

           (instructions can be googled under Fabric Origami Butterflies)

2.   Chrissie - Folded Hexagons.........if you email Chrissie she can send you the instructions.

            (it is well worth getting them)

3.   Debbie -  Manipulated Quilt in cream calico.    This involved tucks and folded blocks.

             Handouts are available if you contact Deirdre.

4.   Jill - Tucks and Pleats........based on Jenny Rayments "Tucks and Pleats" book. A fancy border was demonstrated - for which stabilizer is needed. No handouts but check Jenny Rayment’s book for inspiration.

A big 'thank you' to the Demonstrators for a very informative and enjoyable evening.

You know......SQ members are very talented and giving of their time

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