
2021 June Meeting - AGM

 June Meeting - by Freddi

Incorporating AGM’s from 2019/20 & 20/21 plus a book corner mark small ‘make’

Our first ever Zoom AGM was well attended with 26 members zooming in: all were in good spirits. Claire started the proceedings with the following reminders:

The Quilters Guild is an excellent source for finding information about current talks and classes etc. 

Projects for completion: Our own SQ Challenge for 20/21 namely the Cluedo challenge. Do share ideas to get the creative juices flowing! The 2 star blocks to be sent to Eileen when completed. (Contact Eileen if further details are required.) 

Project Linus Xmas quilts and/or Xmas stockings are still needed please. Thanks to those who have already donated & encouragement for further contributions. 

The AGM for 2019/20 & 2020/21

The Chair’s Report began with Claire setting the scene: In March 2020 life changed unexpectedly overnight due to the pandemic. All social gatherings were banned and meetings cancelled until further notice. Once the reality of the situation had sunk in the committee became creative and from October 2020 a varied schedule of meetings resumed via Zoom. Even with a few technical hitches, this has been a great success. The next meeting, the last of the current schedule, promises to be very interesting: It is a talk by Gail Lowther entitled ‘Glimpses of New Zealand.’ 

The committee are following government guidelines: Once it is safe, meetings will be resumed in the hall (possibly as soon as this September!) so watch out for further information. The first meet up will be a sit, sew and chat evening. The committee will meet soon and the next programme of events will then be published. 

It was a great shame that our 20th birthday party and exhibition had to be cancelled. There will be no exhibition this year but Claire is optimistic that an exhibition will be possible some time in 2022 so keep hold of all your projects as they will be needed. New display stands have been bought and it will be great to put them to good use.

Claire thanked Eileen for her weekly emails which have been greatly enjoyed especially the blocks but also the newsy snippets. The blocks have kept members busily entertained, thus relieving some of the stress of lockdown as well as providing lovely outcomes. Please send any pictures to Eileen for posting on the web site. 

Treasurer’s report: Jackie outlined income and expenditure for 2019/20. 

The pandemic resulted in the only income during 2020/21 being through subscriptions. When combined with the previous year’s balance it resulted in a healthy total.

Jackie reassured members who had signed up and paid for the jelly roll workshop that the event would be re scheduled when the time was right. Subscription payments, normally taken at this time of the year, will be discussed at the next committee meeting. Jackie also informed members that a donation of £150.00 will be made to the church as a thank you/goodwill gesture. 

If members would like to see a copy of the accounts please request this from Jackie.

The Secretary’s report: Eileen thanked members for all the photographs of projects, stars and blocks sent to her. Please keep them coming so that she can update the website. SQ currently has 47 members with no one on the waiting list. Let any interested friends, colleagues etc. know if they are interested in joining. 

Claire concluded this part of the meeting by informing members that positions on the committee would soon be coming up for renewal. She explained the importance of having people on the committee who can act as ‘sounding boards’ for ideas etc. and she urged members to consider giving up a small amount of their time to help. She ended by thanking Eileen, Jackie, Grace and Ann for their huge contribution during this difficult year: this has made her job so much easier. Members gave them all many thanks and a very well earned round of applause.

The remainder of the time was led by Eileen who demonstrated and talked us through making a book corner marker. It was a simple but effective ‘make’ and ideas flowed suggesting usage from safe keeping of stamps/receipts to advent calendar pockets. 

Viv suggested that they would be ideal as tombola prizes. This led to a discussion about Tombola prizes: ideas and contributions needed please. 

Eileen also asked members to send in ideas for small projects that could be demonstrated as ‘small makes.’

A good evening concluded happily. 

Next meeting: July 20th Outside speaker: Gail Lowther ‘Glimpses of New Zealand"

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